I had a compound fracture on my left leg from the knee to the ankle where it hit the bumper of the car. 我的左腿撞上了汽车的保险杠从而导致了从膝盖到踝关节的开放性骨折。
Objective: Discussion acetabulum double strut compound fracture clinical characteristic and surgery method. 目的:探讨髋臼双柱复杂骨折的临床特点和手术方法。
Another kind of break is an open or compound fracture. 另一种骨折被称为开放性骨折或复合骨折。
What if he suffers a simple or a compound fracture? 如果是单纯性或复合性骨折呢?
Cause of death, compound fracture of the skull. 死亡原因,头骨的多处破裂。
He's got a compound fracture in his right radius. 他右径骨有多处骨折。
In this paper, three kinds of stimulation technology are summarized, and there are hydraulic fracture, exploding fracture, and compound fracture technology. 本文主要总结了三大类改造增产技术:水力压裂技术、爆炸压裂技术和复合技术。
Cohomology of semisimplicial complex a compound [ simple] fracture 半单纯复形的上同调复杂[单纯]骨折
Study on Multifunction Compound Profile Modification Technology for Ultra-low Permeability Fracture Reservoir 特低渗透裂缝性油藏多功能复合调驱技术研究
Research of the general practical expression about infinite plate ⅰ-ⅱ compound crack initial Angie and circumference fracture criterion 关于无限板Ⅰ-Ⅱ复合裂纹初始开裂角及周向断裂判据的一般实用表达式探讨
Cases of midfacial bone fracture were reported. It included 6 patients with compound fracture of nasal frontal and ethmoidal bones and 2 cases of burst fracture of orbital base. 报告8例面中部骨折病人,其中鼻额筛复合骨折6例,击出性骨折(眶底暴折)2例。
Objective: In order to study accurate methods of diagnosis and restitution for compound fracture of nasal bone. 目的:探讨复合性鼻骨骨折的临床表现及诊疗方法。
Stress intensity factor of compound compression-shear and criterion of compression-shear fracture of concrete 压剪复合应力强度因子和混凝土压剪断裂判据
Analysis on Measures to Prevent HV Linear Compound Insulator from Breaking by Brittle Fracture 高压直线型复合绝缘子防脆断掉线措施的分析
[ Method] Seventy-eight patients ( AO type C) with compound long bone fracture of lower limb were treated with interlocking intramedullary nailing and screws. [方法]下肢复杂骨折78例根据AO分型均为C型骨折,通过交锁髓内钉内固定,辅以拉力螺钉固定。
Clinical Application of Strengthening Internal Fixation in Compound Fracture of Facial Bone 坚固内固定术在颌面骨多发性骨折治疗中的临床应用
The hospitalization expenses of compound fracture was more the single facture's and the vertebra fracture is the most of each position fracture. 多发性骨折的住院费用明显高于单发性骨折,椎骨骨折住院费用最高。
Significance of ( blocking and lag) screws in treatment of compound long bone fracture of lower limb with interlocking intramedullary nail 下肢复杂骨折交锁髓内钉治疗粉碎骨折螺钉辅助固定的意义
In the paper, Based on the theory of compound crack and fracture mechanics and surface liner cracks of drill string often occurring in process of production and application, a fatigue life model of drill string under the interaction of torsion and axial vibration is established. 根据复合型裂纹扩展理论和断裂力学方法,以及钻柱在生产和应用中的表面线性裂纹现象,提出了钻柱在扭转、纵向振动下的疲劳寿命计算模型。
According to domestic actual conditions, the compound mechanics of gelatinous fracture fluid is studied. 本文从国内实际情况出发,研究凝胶压裂液的配制机理。
Exernal fixation combined tissue flap technique to treat compound fracture of legs complicated soft tissue defect 外固定架结合组织瓣技术治疗合并软组织缺损的小腿开放性骨折
The research results show that fracture resulted from hydraulic splitting is a question of type ⅰ-ⅱ compound fracture. 研究表明:岩体的水力劈裂作用导致的裂纹扩展属于ⅠⅡ复合型裂纹问题;
Conclusion: X-ray examination can only find bilateral fracture of nasal bone, but CT-scan can clearly demonstrate unilateral fracture, fracture of frontal process of maxilla, fracture of perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone and compound fracture of nasal bone and soon. 结果:490例复位满意,10例复位不佳.结论:x摄片鼻骨只能诊断双鼻骨同时骨折,而单侧鼻骨骨折,上颌骨额突骨折,筛骨垂直板等复杂骨折CT扫描均能清楚显示。
In the modeling, both the single fracture model and compound fracture model are studied respectively. It is found that the Youngs modulus of rocks has a strong influence on the variation of rock stresses in the case of compound fracture model. 分别研究了单一断裂和复合断裂模型,在复合断裂模型中,断裂两侧岩石的弹性模量对应力变化的影响最大。
Objective: To evaluate the effect of strengthening internal fixation on compound fracture of facial bone. 目的:评价坚固内固定术在治疗颌面骨多发性骨折的临床应用效果;
Stresses of the in-explosive cylinder were analyzed, compound criteria for determinating the fracture radius was put forward to calculate the initial velocity of cylinder fragment. 分析内爆炸圆管膨胀破碎过程的应力,提出确定内爆炸圆管断裂半径的复合判据,从理论上预测不同材料圆管的破片初速度。
The treatment of skull compound fracture 颅面骨复合骨折的诊治